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"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life"
- Henry David Thoreau 

Healthy Wealthy Wise Wo-men Journey ?

Too often, success is measured only by the size of your business or the thickness of your portfolio. You work very hard to achieve your goals. First keep going, then relax! Until you suddenly notice that your health is under pressure, that your joy in life is gone, or that you no longer know yourself. For me, this has nothing to do with success.


Consciously standing in your leadership has to do with being powerfully balanced! For me, life is not an either-or story, but a and-and.


It is about achieving measurable and tangible results.

The perfect balance between head and belly.

With your heart beating right in the middle of it.


When you are in balance, you know who you are, what you want, and how to achieve this. You fully enjoy the result and the road to it. As a self-confident woman or man, you know that this is a continuous process, because the road is never finished!


My 6-month trajectory is a powerful boost on this path! Together we will look at which theme currently requires the most attention from you!


Where exactly do you want to go from A to B? Do you want to take even more steps towards financial freedom? Do you want more balance between work and family? Do you long for peace? Does everything in your life seem to be right, but do you lack fulfillment?


All these questions absorb energy and stand in the way of your balance, your peace and your best life ever! I have experienced this myself, I am an expert in this. These themes are so important! If one of them is not in order, this already causes an energy leak.


This doesn’t have to be! This can be done differently!

a strong mentor is indispensable
if you want to grow?

I have always had a coach or mentor, even before I became an entrepreneur. My coaches were a professional and emotional sounding board for me who helped me evolve from an 'impulsive, energetic, elephant in the china shop style' who regularly makes mistakes, to an 'inspired structured leader' with solid foundations.


And I needed that! Because under pressure we sink below our emotional or competence level. You do not perform better under pressure, and certainly not under your emotional inner talk that dominates your thoughts, this is a myth!


That is why I continue to raise my 'level' through coaching, among other things. And I get a mirror through which I can more quickly expose my blind spots and identify my areas for improvement.

My mentors encourage me to take action.

Awareness is NOT enough.

your decision makes the difference

It fulfills me so much to help you to more results. Through many small systematic interventions in combination with 'breakthrough thinking' we realize a great result!


But that can only happen if YOU make the decision to go for it.


Are you ready to face your comfort zone, your distractions and your fear? Are you willing to take steps?


Vulnerability and courage go hand in hand, you are worth it!


Do you want

  • more balance?

  • more peace of mind?

  • financial freedom?

  • connected to your inner wisdom?

  • gain clarity about your meaning and 'walk your talk' in life?


Do you want for your organization?

  • more effectiveness

  • more well-being

  • more growth in measurable and tangible results

  • more self-management

  • more (emotional) maturity


Then the Healthy Wealthy Wise Wo-Men Journey is the journey for you!

  • in yourself

  • in your company

  • and in the world

Say no more!
I want to hear how you see it for me, Fabienne!

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