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“You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life."
- Heather Schuck

Manifesto Leadership Workshop

The 9 Secrets of the Healthy Wealthy Wise Wo-Man

I invite you.

I invite you to my home for a great workshop.

Are you ready for my 9 secrets to becoming a Healthy Wealthy Wise Wo-Man?

As a young girl, I made the decision to live my best life. I didn't want to be a victim of my bad childhood. I didn't want to measure my success by the size of my business or the thickness of my wallet.

I wanted to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

And this is what I want for you too!

The Manifesto asks you THE 9 most important questions to stay in your emotional balance, peace of mind and strength. Followed by a dinner at my place. Definitely worthwhile and incredibly connecting.

Are you coming too? I would love that!


  • Tue 17/9 - full

  • Tue 22/10 - 2 places left

  • Wed 27/11


Sint Michielskaai 5, 2000 Antwerp


€ 295

If you bring an invitee, I offer you a €50 discount.


Workshop with the Manifesto of the Healthy Wealthy Wise Wo-Man, including a healthy rooftop dinner with like-minded people.

The Workshop 

The 9 tips I will give you in this workshop will offer you:

  • more balance

  • more peace of mind

  • financial freedom

  • a connection with your inner wisdom

  • clearer meaning

  • the ability to 'live your talk'

Want more?


Say no more!
I want to be there, Fabienne!

Awesome :)

Then send me an email quickly and I will reserve your spot!

Fabienne Claeys-144-website.jpg

in what other ways I can help you?

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